
I create animations, custom software and circuits for artists and institutions. Here are some things I've made for others that I can make for you, and some things I've taught others that I can teach you.
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Link to animated trailer for festival Phénomena 2014
Les filles électriques: 2014 Festival Phénomena trailer


A digital animation I made under the direction of D.Kimm, the founder and director of the interdiscipliny arts-fest, Festival Phénomena

↟Click the thumbnail image to watch the trailer

Link to Lapincyclope slideshow
Jonathan Plante: Lapincyclope

Animator, Compositor

A puppet animation made under the direction of Montréal artist Jonathan Plante, for his multi-media installation "Lapincyclope"

Y'as rien à slideshow
Karine Côté: Y'as rien à voir

Programmer, Circuitry

I built a touch-control interface to control the spatialization of quadrophonic sound for Saguenay artist Karine Côté.

Built with arduino + MaxMSP.

Y'as rien à slideshow
Helen Yung: Gulliver's Travels


For the Toronto-based multi-media artist Helen Yung, I built a small software application so that they could have on-stage control of the selection and playback of the various animated loops that make up the puppet Gullivers' facial experssions.

Built with MaxMSP.